Nov 15, 2008

VENTURES IN SPACE (DOLTON/LIBERTY 1964)Japan papersleeve 24 bit remastered Mono & Stereo

"Ventures In Space" includes covers of tracks like Out Of Limits and the Twilight Zone theme, alongside space age themed originals. So far so predictable, but the imagination, and advanced guitar effects involved meant that the band ended up with probably the first ever recorded example of psychedelia - years before anyone else had done much other than R&B. From the freakout screams on "He Never Came Back" to the spooky organ meets slide guitar on "Fear" or the proto-feedback of "Explorations In Terror" - it's all more Haight Ashbury than Cape Canaveral. It's famously a favourite album of Keith Moon, who is believed to have been a big fan of Ventures drummer Mel Taylor.

I think It's an incredible album to listen to - one of the bridging points between the early Rock 'n' Roll, and the music that we've now come to call rock. Maybe the instrumental guitar answer to Sergeant Pepper?

It's a shame the Ventures didn't subsequently go on and expand on the experimentation found on this album.

1 comment:

  1. They did go on to expand on the experimentation found here. Their next eight or so albums(usually refered to as "The Mosrite Years" by fans) were all worthwhile, ranging from good to brilliant. A misguided attempt at becoming an "easy-listening" band coupled with Nokie Edwards departure in the late sixties sadly brought it to an end.
