Jan 26, 2009

DARRYL WAY'S WOLF - SATURATION POINT (DERAM 1973) Japan mastering cardboard sleeve SHM-CD + 3 bonus

Darryl Way was founder member of the legendary Curved Air, a group that brought Ways strident electric violin playing to the fore on a string of hit albums. In 1973, Way formed Wolf, a progressive outfit featuring guitarist John Etheridge, bassist Dek Messecar (later in Caravan) and drummer Ian Mosley (now in Marillion). The music was a heady mixture of styles and secured the band a contract with Decca s Deram label. Saturation Point was the group s second album and followed on from their innovative Canis Lupus LP.
The violin in this remarkable work of Darryl Way is breathtaking. The balance and personality of the violin is excellent, you never get enough of the sound, also it is clear that the instrument has the lead role. Darryl Way's performance is much more spontaneous compared to his previous work with Curved Air (which I also respect). Saturation point in my opinion is the best of Wolf's three albums (Cannis Lupus and Night Music).If you really are involved into progressive rock and appreciate violin you must listen to this album...


  1. The first time I listened to Darryl Way was from "Air Conditioning", made by CURVED AIR, sometime in the late 70s. I loved his violin playing and, ever since, I try to listen to everything that he does. This record, I agree with you, is their best. Thanks...

  2. "Air Conditioning" is a masterpiece to my opinion. Not so British (like this), but much closer to US West Coast sound like the "It's A Beautiful Day". Lots of violin, male/female vocals... (haunting voice of Sonja Kristina)...
    I wonder why this record didn't get the recognition it deserved in the U.S......
    Thank you

  3. I think Id have to agree with both the avobe posters.....darryl way was a master of the violin and maybe.......jan luc ponty would be in there to which is strange as he reminds me so much that way....anyways, excellent album....thanks for the share
