Jan 19, 2009

NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE (COLUMBIA 1971) Japan mastering + 3 bonus

New Riders Of The Purple Sage's debut album is one of the best country rock albums of the early 70's. The band was made up of John "Marmaduke" Dawson, Dave Tolbert & David Nelson, but was augmented by Jerry Garcia on steel guitar, Mickey Hart on percussion and Spencer Dryden on drums. The band stared out as a project for the Grateful Dead's Mr. Garcia, Mr. Hart & Phil Lesh to fully indulge themselves with the country sounds that they had touched upon in their music. The music veers from straight country rock of "Henry", "Portland Woman" & "I Don't Know You" to "Dirty Business" which is an eight minute track that leans towards a weird mix of acid rock & country. The album's highlight is "All I Ever Wanted" which contains the most beautiful and delicate steel guitar work from Mr. Garcia. New Riders Of The Purple Sage is a must for any fans of the Grateful Dead, but should be equally enjoyed by fans of the The Byrds or CSN.
The band probably had more in common with Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen. On this debut album the New Riders put their own unique spin on country-rock and came up with the best overall album of their career...[net]

a blog's friend out there just sent me the links to the other 3 NRPS albums...enjoy!

Gypsy Cowboy + Panama


  1. I like this group.
    Can you also post their second album?

  2. umfff..unfortunately this is the only one I own at the moment...
    thanks guys

  3. If anyone is interested in the links, I uploaded NRPS "Before Time Began" which is a collection of their first known recordings, before they hit the studio to record this one. Released on Relix Records, but has since been discontinued.

  4. George George what are you doing to me!!! A Jap version of one of my all time fav psych country albums,you are a saint.You know i am going to have to probably fill my HD with so much of your goodies but thats cool cause i will send stuff right back at you man.BGO records in uk put out the first 4 NRPS albums as 2 on 1 discs, so i will upp them here as i get round to it. stay tuned and thanx so much.

  5. aaaahahahaah..I'm not doing anything Mod...
    this Lp is a treasure & also one of my top 10 LPs of the late 60's early 70s...like the:
    Dr.Byrds & Untitled by the "Byrds"
    American Beauty by "Grateful Dead"
    the Neil Young+Crazy horse album...
    & some others of the same country rock-psych genre....
    thanks man...

  6. Hello George,I wanted to get this to you before I'm off to work.The 2nd NRPS album Powerglide.The other two will be upped tonight.Man I had a great time listening to some of your excellent posts last night,thanks for the efforts you put in.Is it ok for me to be upping stuff to your comments if bloggers are looking for other albums (if i have them) Gotta give something back to this great place.
    Oh yea this is why i logged in....

  7. Back again,Hello George here is the 3rd & 4th NRPS albums i said i would upload fot this outstanding blog.Hope you enjoy them (Gypsy Cowboy is the better of the two imho)I'm off to enjoy your archives,Thanx George.



  8. thnx Mod-Lang for your NRPS uploads...
    I will post the links soon...
    I really appreciate that...great!
    thnxxx again+++++++

  9. Good morning Georgie,There at last I've actually spelt your name right. sorry man I was too busy looking at your amazing posts to realize i was missing an i & e.

    Georgie if you want to re-up any links i send then feel free man. I know it helps keep up rapid points total (anything helps)

    Listen, I was thinking,i have a ton of Grateful Dead/Garcia Weir solo stuff from my favorite time 1970 to 1972 that i could upload for you all @320.I don't want to be too eager and piss you off. Tell us what you think,it would be a pleasure. Cheers

  10. Hi man...
    I also have all the "Dead","Garcia"..blah...blah..but who dares to post them??????
    Blogger will shut me down imediatelly!!!
    If you happen to have any bootleg or something else...(not official WARNER BROS reissues!!!!) it will be OK!
    thnx again Mod L...cheers

  11. Wow! Georgie I didn't know that,are they that heavy about the good old Grateful Dead? Shit I went & upped Garcia (Bonus +) Bob Ace Weir and Hooteroll (Bonus +) just for your excellent blog(no worries)I might start a blog and post them myself(just to test the water..Ha Ha)
    One of my favorite "Dark Stars" is the Night after Jimi Hendrix died and they played an amazing version as almost a Homage to him and the roadies pumped "And The Gods Made Love" through the PA system,Amazing
    I'll look for it and get it to you.

  12. There you go Georgie

  13. This download is really slow for me - like taking over 30 minutes to be half done. Then RapidShare said something about "this file is not available."

  14. Thanks for the nrps stuff....very much appreciated . Enjoying looking through your blog excellent stuff...cheers.
